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About the company

Sensicomm LLC was started by Joseph Rothweiler, a signal processing specialist with over 25 years of experience in a variety of signal processing applications and domains. Highlights of his experience include the development of one of the first pseudo perfect reconstruction filter banks (this work is referenced in some descriptions of the MPEG Audio Codec 3 standard, the basis for mp3 audio files). A novel algorithm for computing the line spectral pairs representation is used by the Vorbis open source audio coder.

A listing of technical publications and patents is available on the website.

Sensicomm LLC is a limited liability company registered in the state of New Hampshire. It was started to provide signal processing consulting services to in the fields of audio, voice, and other signal processing disciplines. Technical support is typically provided on a consulting basis. Other arrangements, such as subcontracting, vendor, or teaming on a project will also be considered. Please contact me to discuss specifics.

Joseph Rothweiler
+1 603 882 5688

$Date: 2016/02/16 12:29:48 $