Examples of DSP algorithm, software, and hardware projects.
Projects are described here to a level of detail consistent with
obligations to the client. In some cases that includes permission
to release code and other documentation as open source.
FPGA/DSP projects
MHZ100Q mhz100q.sourceforge.net
is an open source data acquisition project that includes a 4-channel, 100MHz
A/D conversion PCB with buffer amplifiers and antialiasing filtering. It
interfaces to Xilinx FPGA development boards by Digilent. The project also
includes a standalone version that contains 2 A/D channels, an FPGA, and
a USB interface. Firmware implemented in VHDL performs filtering and
desampling to simulate lower sampling rates, and buffers blocks of data
for transfer to a host PC via the USB interface.
Projects have been performed for various clients include
- Developed algorithms and hardware/software solution to
correct the freuency response of a low-cost throat microphone.
After correction the sound quality is comparable to a
conventional microphone, but the noise
rejection is much better.
- Data acquisition and digital filtering implemented in
assembly/C for an Analog Devices TigerSharc processor.
- Software for speech noise reduction and bandwidth expansion.
- Demodulation of PSK, OFDM, and other modulation waveforms.
Self-funded projects (for which I can provide details) include:
Some work on speech recognition in noise.
robospeechrec. I'm
using the Sphinx open source recognizer and plan
to post many of my components as open source also.
I recently completed an IEEE-sponsored course in advanced techniques for
FPGA development. Some things being
done for that course are described here.
Implementaton of a Reed-Solomon encoder and decoder for the Analog Devices
Blackfin processor. This software is now available under the GNU General
Public License (GPL). Click here for more details.
Implementation of an audio processing system using the Texas Instruments
MSP430 processor. This unit runs on a single AA battery, is intended
to perform data capture and digital filtering on an audio data stream.
A voltage booster, to convert the output of a single NiMH or NiCd battery
to 3.3 volts. Intended for the MSP430,
but applicable to any 3.3 volt low power processor.
A voice synthesizer implemented in the Cypress
Programmable System-on-a-Chip (PSoC). More info:
An in-house project to implement data acquisition using
an Anadigm Field Programmable Analog Array chip.
Notes about installing Linux on my Acer 5253 laptop are here:
$Date: 2016/02/16 12:29:33 $